Working solutions for the day 20 puzzles.
Working solutions for the day 19 puzzles.
Working solutions for the day 18 puzzles.
Working solutions for the day 17 puzzles.
Working solutions for the day 15 puzzles.
Working solutions for the day 14 puzzles.
Working solutions for the day 13 puzzles.
Working solutions for the day 12 puzzles.
Working solutions for the day 11 puzzles.
Working solutions for the day 10 puzzles.
Working solutions for the day 9 puzzles.
Working solutions for the day 8 puzzles.
Working solutions for the day 7 puzzles.
Working solutions for the day 6 puzzles.
Working solutions for the day 5 puzzles.
Working solutions for the day 4 puzzles.
Working solutions for the day 3 puzzles.
Working solutions for the day 2 puzzles.
Working solutions for the day 1 puzzles.
Knight’s Tour - a sequence of moves of a knight on a chessboard such that the knight visits every square exactly once.
Eight Queens Puzzle - placing chess queens so that no two queens challenge each other.
Sorting It Out - minus conventional sorting algorithms.
Back to the Checkout - an exercise in decoupling.
Six Letters - addressing conflicting objectives: clarity, speed and extendibility.
Anagrams - a simple challenge.
Spell Checker - an experiment with Bloom filters.
Data Munging - don’t repeat yourself.
Searching a sorted array - an experiment of approaches.
FizzBuzz - a simple experiment in test-driven development.